Photography Workshops For Beginners
Keep It Simple Shooter
the eBook
Over 100 pages of the best tips and techniques to help your photography. It is easy to load on your phone for field assistance and to review from time to time. Suits photographers of all levels and interests with topics from Depth Of Field, to photographing culture, nature and landscapes. Best part, it’s free…
Note that the file is 20mb.
How To: Get Sharp Results & Freeze Motion
Article 1 - A series of quick tips to help you improve your photography and inspire you to better results.
Attaining sharp results is far easier to achieve today than just a few years ago, as we can now increase our ISO, this helping to optimise a faster shutter speed. However, shutter speed is not everything. Read on to understand the base principles required and how to solve problems.
How To: Cull and Workflow
Article 2 - A series of quick tips to help you improve your photography and inspire you to better results.
Article for Australian Photography - 16.1.24 - These days, our modern cameras all seem to fire away like machine guns, shutters roaring away while buffers and cards fill faster than you can blink. This article will help you to better culling and workflow concepts.
How To: Coming Soon…
Article 3 - A series of quick tips to help you improve your photography and inspire you to better results.
Coming soon…
How To: You tell me where you need help…
What is a problem that you can not solve with your photography interests? You might instigate the next article…